Last week I watched Pocahontas, after more than ten years since the first time I saw it. I think it has a different flavour than the other Disney's movies. It is not only about love and overcoming obstacles to get to the other. It also tastes of freedom!
While watching it, or listening to its soundtrack, one can almost feel the wind blowing through the hair, the sweet smell of woods and the bubbling of the river against rocks, its water fresh and clear.

And then I realized something:
I would love to be Pocahontas! I'd really love it!
I envy her: so self-confident, so trusting in fate, wild and peppy...
So I started wondering: would I ever be able to be like her?
Will I ever feel that free?
I'm sure to have the capacity of suffering anything for Love. I know I'm a passionate lover, and even if I usually have a meek temperament, I turn out to be quite daring for the ones I'm attached to.
This, at least, we have in common.
Another similarity may be the fact that I've got a cat instead of a raccoon. She actually has the same grayish color and eats the same as Meeko does but my chubby cat prefers to get stuck under my comforter, rather than running through the woods.
But I do not have her freedom, in the same way that I haven't got Grandmother Willow to help me see my way. I cannot hear the voice of the wind around me.
I guess that life is, after all, very different from movies, especially Disney's ones.
But I've decided that I won't stop listening, because you never know "what's around the riverbend, waiting just around the riverbend"...
Well, as you can see, I found a lot of images and I didn't know which one to choose, since I liked them all. Apart from the movie's images I also find other nice fan creations. So, icing on the cake, here are the two heroes of Pocahontas, in a slightly sexier way
and Twisted Pocahontas (by Jeffrey Thomas).
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